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Operational Detachment-Alpha (ODA)

The ODA ("A-Team") is the primary fighting force of the Special Forces. While an SF Company usually contains six ODAs, G.I. Joe contains eight plus a Navy SEAL Team.  A-Teams are usually 12-man units, led by a Detachment Commander, typically a Captain, and an Assistant Detachment Commander who is his second in command, usually a Warrant Officer One or Chief Warrant Officer Two. The team also includes the following roles.


  • 1 Operations Sergeant (known as the "Team Sergeant")

  • 1 Assistant Operations and Intelligence Sergeant 

  • 2 Weapons Sergeants

  • 2 Engineer Sergeants

  • 2 Medical Sergeants

  • 2 Communications Sergeant 


Weapons, Engineer, and Medical Sergeants are usually Sergeants First Class, Staff Sergeants or Sergeants, but there are exceptions. The A-Team structure facilitates 6-man "split team" operations, redundancy, and mentoring between a senior NCO and his junior assistant.  Though structured to follow the US Army Special Forces, G.I. Joe A-Teams have specialized operators from the Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. 

Specialized G.I. Joe A-Teams

Each ODA has a specialization that reflects its particular skill set with regards to infil/exfil method or specific role. Traditional Special Forces companies have a team dedicated to Military Free Fall, specific climates or terrains, Mobility, and Combat Diving.  The Combat Diver and SCUBA specialization is handled by G.I. Joe  Naval Special Warfare Operators (or SEAL team).   Notably, Counter-Terrorism Team Alpha is the general purpose “ruck” unit composed primarily of the original members of the Joe Team.



All A-Team members are graduates of Special Operations Preparation Course (SOPC), Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS), and Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC).


Key to A-Team Details


Each A-Team Detail summarizes that detachment's specialization and lists the Joe team operators assigned to the team.  Joe Team operator listings include Code Name, Team Role, Rank & Service Branch, and relevant Specialties, Qualifications, and Skills.


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