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TEAM BAKER is the Joe Team Operational Detachment that serves as the Mobility / Mounted Team for the Company.   Just like the typical SFODA Mounted Team, this detachment employs Ground Mobility Vehicles (GMV) for long range / extended deployments.  But unlike a standard Mounted Team, TEAM BAKER is trained to use various ground vehicles, aircraft, and large-caliber artillery to serve as the heavy assault support element for TEAM ALPHA.  Specially-equipped 4WD GMVs called VAMPs (Vehicle: Attack/Multi-Purpose) are used for direct action assault missions.   TEAM BAKER is also equipped with the tandem rotor CH-4X TOMAHAWK heavy assault/troop carrier helicopter, MBT-7X MOBAT (Multi-Ordnance Battle Tank), and the mobile-ready weapons platform HAL (Heavy Artillery Laser).

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